Mrs. Crow’s Reading class has been doing a unit on the Titanic. We have read the
book Titanic Sinks together. Each student was given a name of either a Titanic
passenger or crew member. We did a journal as if they were the character. This
week, they are researching their character and creating a poster with events and a
timeline. In writing class, we are brushing up on our grammar skills and working on
personal narratives. In Social Studies, the unit we are working on now is the
history of Christianity. We are winding down our third 9 week period. We are
looking forward to working on some exciting units the last 9 weeks of school.
In Mrs. Hall’s math class we have been working on our geometry unit. Spending
time finding area and perimeter. Our Science unit is covering Earth Science.
During this unit we have been looking at the water cycle and the importance of
taking care of this resource. One activity was to go around the room and discover
the different places that water recycles.